Inside Your Computer: A Beginner's Guide

 Inside Your Computer: A Beginner's Guide

    Are you looking to build your own PC? Or buying a computer? Today, we're diving into the heart of a computer to unravel the mysteries of its inner workings. Whether you're buying or just curious about what makes your machine tick, we've got you covered.

What's inside?

    Have you ever wondered what's really going on beneath the surface of your computer? In this blog, we will be breaking down each components that makes your computer run. From CPU to RAM, and explain how they all work together to bring your digital world into reality.

CPU: The Brain

    CPU also known as the Central Processing Unit, it is the brain of your computer. It is responsible for carrying out all the instructions to each component of your computer and make run smoothly.


  RAM also known as Random Access Memory. It plays a crucial role in our computers' performance. It's acting like a temporary storage space for data that is being actively used.


    It was HDDs (hard disks drive) to SSDs (solid-slate drive), there are many storage options available for storing your files and programs. Each options has its pros and cons, we'll be talking about it in the next blog.

    I hope you learned something new today with this beginner's guide. With this new knowledge, you'll be able to troubleshoot issues, upgrade your hardware, and make informed decisions when purchasing your next device. Stay tuned for more tech tips and insights in future blog posts!

-Rama, Rance Teruo
April 16, 2024 [11:56am]


  1. Very informative! ICT students must visit your blog.


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